Harmonics In Astrology Pdf

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HARMONICS IN ASTROLOGY An Introductory Textbook to the New Understanding of an Old Science By John M. Re-edited by Chistabo, A.D. The Astrology of Harmonics were developed by the late John Addey. There is an out-of-print book by David Hamblin called Harmonic Charts. A brilliant book. If you ever have a chance to pick it up, do so. It is one of the top ten in books written on astrology in the last one hundred years. What are harmonics? Harmonics are just a mathematical trick.

Harmonics was first brought to prominence in the west by John Addey, though David Hamblin’s Harmonic Charts and Michael Harding/Charles Harvey’s Working with Astrology are the two most readable and useful books. Otherwise Bob Marks has a helpful outline. http://www.bobmarksastrologer.com/harmonics32.1.html

It’s an under-researched area, especially in numbers above 9, so sometimes the interpretations don’t fit with ongoing experience from a wider spectrum of charts – there is latitude for original thinking. And like all of astrology there’s usually a plus and a minus side. The 5th Harmonic can lead to a productive career where disparate elements are pulled together to create a successful lifestyle; or it can turn into a control-freaky desire to impose an individual’s worldview on others. 9H can be humanitarian and community-minded or a financial con-artist.

Harmonic Astrology Chart

As more is learned it becomes clear there is a reasonable similarity between numerology interpretations and harmonics. And Vendla, who is a serious and skilled numerologist, drew me up a list up to 22, which does usually check out against the examples which crop up here. Though these can be amplified from Hamblin and Harding/Harvey’s writings (Below).

Interpreting the harmonic chart is a question of seeing which planets are drawn into aspect (tight orbs of only 2/3 degrees) in that harmonic, which aren’t in aspect in the natal chart. So it gives a deeper dimension of meaning when the natal chart isn’t giving you a full reflection of the life and talents. I tend to look for configurations in the Harmonic chart e.g. Grand Trines, Grand Crosses, T Squares, which marks them out as a strong influence in that individual’s life.


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1: The pioneer; Originality, innovation, ambition, determination. Also loneliness, egotistical, vain, dominating.

2: Cooperation, sensitivity, kindness, harmony. An entertainer at heart or at least artistically oriented (painting, music, writing). Also: Irresolute, deceitful, gossiping.

3: Charm, ambition, determination, artistic and verbal skills. Also cold, can be deceitful.

4: A fated number. Forever contradicting and in opposition to authorities. May have to start over and over again. Practical skills, organisation, strength, courage and perseverance. Also: Intolerance, dogmatism, ruthlessness.

5: Always on-the-go. Inventive, freedom-lover, fast-thinking, “sexy”. Also: Lack of concentration, irresponsibility, sensationalistic, self-indulgent, deceitful, “the player”.

6: “The Cancer number”; Sweetness, parenting, protecting home and family. The flipside is conventionality, stubbornness, unyielding, want of domination.

7: Seven is traditionally regarded as a spiritual number, endowed with a different kind of imagination, often artistic skills. Need peace. Perfectionism. A seeking soul. Also: too sceptical, too critical, sarcastic, cold, self-centred, attracted to alcohol/ drugs and occultism.

8: A fated number. “Karmic debt”. Soul wounds, bad luck or loss may follow this number, which also gives an abundance of strength and stubbornness in the face of difficulties. The road to success is often bumpy and hard, and if it comes easy, or at all, it will not necessarily bring happiness.

9: Strength, determination, the humanitarian. A philanthropic or artistic attitude to life is required, because if lacking, the number will “fail” to work constructively and could bring forward aspects such as frivolousness, immorality and irresponsibility.

10: “The wheel of Fortune”. Contains the innovation and creativity of the number 1, but even if 10 stands for prosperity and abundance, it also contains the seed of both rise and fall, of the good and the bad.

11: So called Master Number, which means that it is a difficult number to live up to. The positive aspect of number 11 is idealistic and inspired imagination. The negative aspects are fanaticism and unreasonableness, but also dishonesty, greed, self-indulgence and even perversion. From a different position, 11 warns against hidden trials, disloyalty and betrayal from others.

12: The sacrifice. Being sacrificed or becoming a victim to other persons’ (or entities’) plans, ambitions or intrigues. 12 warns against being a victim of circumstances, or dragged into other people’s affairs where you will be the one suffering the consequences. 12 may also make a conscious sacrifice. Also: Creativity, writers.

13: Upheaval, change and rebirth. This number is associated with exploration, genius and breaking with the orthodox. It warns against the unknown and the unexpected. It requires adaptation to change to be successful.

14: Movement. This number contains an (over)excited and nervous energy. It is connected to all kinds of communication, through the media, across national borders. Money, business and speculation is strong, but there is always a risk of loss connected to the constant movement in this number. Warns against natural disasters of all kinds.

15: A magic number according to the old masters of numerology. It rules magicians, alchemy, black magic, want of erotic experiences, actors and eloquent speakers. In my personal experience this is the actor’s number. It is a “tricky” number, not always lucky, and sometimes it can be associated with illness.

16: Destruction. This number warns against all kinds of catastrophes. Disappointments, humiliations, threatening dangers, accidents, disasters. Life as you know it might change completely. Sometimes this is self-inflicted, sometimes it is not. A special sensitivity is present, often artistic.

17: Hope and faith. Despite its fated core number 8, which represents trials, difficulties and obstacles, the 17 promises victory, inner enlightenment and “immortality” in the sense that those with a strong 17 may create their own mark on history and gain both in wealth and fame, which sometimes continues after their death. (Steve Jobs)

18: Strength, sometimes great material success, but also conflicts and enemies, “war & revolution”, fire and explosions, including from natural elements. (Serial killers)

19: This number is regarded particularly lucky for personal success, happiness and prosperity. However, the position of the number may change its meaning. 19 in traditional numerology is not a lucky number, it’s a ‘karmic’ number in the sense that the person is forced to develop their individuality. (Mel Gibson)

20: A major upheaval that leads to an awakening which changes the ambitions, ideals, goals or plans for one’s life. Not a good material number, but is considered good for spiritual development. Delays and obstacles.

21: Is regarded a very positive number, yet it tests one’s determination and will give victory after a long struggle for whatever is the right way to go or the right thing to do for the person in question. As far as I have seen, 21 is a creative number, and is often found in connection with writers and authors (like the number 12).

22: So called Master Number, which means that it is a difficult number to live up to. The positive aspects of number 22 is powerful imagination and/or strong leadership. The negative aspects are despotism or immorality. From a different position, 22 warns against lack of discernment, of being overconfident, relying on the wrong persons, and being deceived. (Elvis Presley)

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I am continually updating my online library where you will be able to search for my astrology articles on Arabic Parts, Chart Interpretation, Prediction, The Duad System, Harmonics, Health Astrology, Locational Astrology, Midpoints, The Vertex, Current Affairs, the Astrology of Countries .. and more…

Harmonics In Astrology Pdf File

This is the chart of the first published article since the site was set up. The site was actually first put on the internet on the 1st October 2009 at 5.38 am UT Adelaide, Australia and contained articles from the old website, but I didn’t know it was up until 19th November, so decided that the illustrated chart was likely to be the correct one. … time will tell!